Online Petition & Discussion
If you want to ask a question : Click "Q&A" in the main page.
If you want to file a petition with the competent employment and labor office, :
you need to download the attached petition format from the homepage of Ministry of Employment and Labor. As the petition format of Ministry of Employment and Labor is different from that of e-people service. Please fill in the blanks of format and attach the format it, then click the submit button.
Your petition will be processed as follows : e-people > national Labor Consultation center > competent Employment and Labor local office
Attachment :
How to file e-petition through the e-people service
Through the e-people service, you can file petition with a local Employment and labor office in regard to labor matters such as unpayment of wages and statutory allowances, and other violations of Labor Standards Law.
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Access homepage of e-people(https://www.epeople.go.kr/petition/pps/pps.npaid) and you can see the below screen.
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Fill in the blanks of above screen and click the "submit" button.
Online Petition & Discussion
The Public Procurement Service(PPS) is the central procurement agency of the Korean government providing goods, services, public works, and information in the best possible manner to enable public organizations to conduct their business and thereby best serve the citizen.