A look back at how MOEL has evolved with the people
With the establishment of the Employment Support Policy Bureau and the Labor Inspection Policy Bureau, the Ministry became comprised of 3 Offices, 13 Bureaus and 45 Divisions.
The structure was reorganized into 3 Offices, 13 Bureaus, 41 Divisions and 5 Teams. The Labor Market Analysis Division was created.
The Manpower Policy Bureau and the Industrial Accident Prevention and Compensation Bureau were created.
The Ministry of Labor was renamed the Ministry of Employment and Labor (3 Offices, 13 Bureaus and 40 Divisions). The Regional Labor Administrations were renamed the Regional Employment and Labor Offices.
The International Cooperation Bureau was created; The Working Women's Policy Division was reorganized into the Working Women's Bureau; The business of collecting IACI premiums and compensating workers for industrial accidents was entrusted to the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service; The Employment Insurance System came into force.
The Employment Security Bureau and the Vocational Training Bureau were merged to create the Employment Policy Office; The Labor Relations Policy Office was split into the Labor Relations Policy Bureau and the Labor Management Cooperation Bureau.
The Labor Relations Policy Bureau and the Labor Management Guidance Office were merged to form the Labor Relations Policy Office.
The Occupational Safety Bureau was created.
The six regional offices were reorganized into six Regional Labor Administrations.